(714) 712-0175 | ElectTonyCastro@gmail.com | P.O. Box 192 Orange, CA 92856 | @ElectTonyCastro | Available daily until 7:00PM

Write-In Candidate, Tony Castro For Congress, U.S. House - California District 46

Fullerton | Anaheim | Orange | Santa Ana | Stanton

I'm running as a write-in candidate. My name won't appear on the ballot. You have to physically write my name in on the ballot. Or, you can ask for the write-in candidate list at your polling place/vote center. Write my name in where it says "United States House of Representatives, California District 46". Do not vote for Lou Correa. I repeat, do not vote for Lou Correa. If you see his name, that's where you're supposed - to write my name in - to vote for me, instead. Write-in the name "Tony Castro".

People Powered, To Power The People

Hi, I'm Tony Castro, and I'm running for Congress on March 5, 2024; During the Presidential Primary Election. I am a Union Carpenter and Co-Coordinator for "Rescue Education California". I refuse corporate donations for my campaign because they expect favors in return. I want to be free to fight for the people and not for super wealthy donors. I'm not for sale, and I cannot be bought. This is the people's campaign. "People Powered, To Power The People."

Born And Raised In The 46th Congressional District

I was born in the City of Orange at U.C.I. Hospital on The City Drive and Chapman Avenue. My brother was also born in the city of Orange. My two sisters were born in a hospital in the city of Anaheim. My mom, Delilah Saucedo Castro, and my grandma, Delia Alejandre Saucedo, were born in the city of Orange. My mom was born at U.C.I. Hospital. My grandma was born in a house on the 400 block of North Calle Cypress; in the 1940's. Back then, a midwife or nurse would come to your house and deliver your child inside your home. My great grandma, Felicitas Guzman Alejandre, and my great great grandfather, Severiano Guzman, settled in the City of Orange in the year 1916, on Calle Cypress, between Walnut Ave and Sycamore Street. Which is located in the heart of the 46th Congressional District. They came from Santa Maria De Medio, Jalisco, Mexico, and Encarnacion De Diaz, Jalisco, Mexico. My dad, Antonio Gonzalez Castro, was born in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. My dad's parents brought him to the United States when he was 4 years of age. My other great grandma was born in Winslow, Arizona, in 1911. She lived in a tee-pee because she was a Navajo and Hopei Native American Indian.

Straight Out Of Orange County

I was born and raised in the city of Orange. I attended West Orange Elementary School, Sycamore Elementary School, Portola Middle School, Orange High School, Richland High School, and Santa Ana High School. I studied at Cypress College, Santa Ana College, and Santiago Canyon College. As an adult, I  settled in the city of Fullerton. In 2005, I was hired by the California Democratic Party to increase the number of Democratic registration in: Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange, Santa Ana, and Stanton. The same cities in the 46th Congressional District.

My Top Campaign Issues Are:

1.) Tuition Free Colleges And Universities All The Way Through Medical School,

2.) Combat Climate Change / Climate Disruption,

3.) End Homelessness Now With Housing First,

4.) Rent Control To Prevent Even More Homelessness,

5.) Strengthen Unions To Build A Bigger Middle-Class,

6.) $25 An Hour National Minimum Wage,

7.) Meet Everyone's Basic Needs,

8.) Universal Single Payer Free Healthcare,

9.) Raise Social Security For Senior Citizens,

10.) $10,000 A Month U.B.I. (Universal Basic Income),

11.) Protect Human Rights Including Women's Full Reproductive Rights,

12.) Cease-Fire & End All Unnecessary Wars Immediately.

"When the people lead, the leaders will follow." — Mahatma Gandhi — 

Tony Castro, U.S. Representative, California's 46th Congressional District

I was born and raised in the 46th district. I'm straight oughta Orange County. Born and raised in the city of Orange, in Orange County, California. I went to West Orange Elementary, Orange High, and Santa Ana College. My dad recently retired from the laborers union, local  652. I am a union carpenter, local 803. My family has been in the city of Orange for Over 100 years; that's over a century. I refuse corporate donations for my campaign because they want favors and I am not for sale. I have direct connections with the roots and history of this district. My great grandma worked at the Orange packing house on Calle Cypress. The Cypress Street Mural is a picture of the history of my family. My mom was there for the first "Jamaica" on Cypress Street, that later became the "Orange International Street Fair". We were directly involved with the development and history of the district.

I don't Want To Win That Way

I'm fighting for the working class, small business owners, and the poor. I actually refuse corporate donations, that were actually offered to me, by actual wealthy donors. I could've became a millionaire, practically overnight, by accepting corporate endorsements, donations, kickbacks, and bribes. I don't want to win that way. If a candidate accepts corporate donations and wins, the people lose. That candidate will then owe favors to their wealthy corporate sponsors. I am not for sale and I cannot be bought. This is the peoples campaign. People powered, to power the people.

Who's Your Daddy

BTW, yes, Lou Correa does accept corporate donations for every campaign during every election. He also tends to vote in the interest of his super wealthy sponsors and not in the interest of the voters. His campaign currently has over $4 million on hand, mostly raised from corporate interest groups and Political Action Committees. He is bought off and can't help the people. We don't need a person like that representing us in office. We need leadership. We need a leader. I am already standing up to these big corporations and telling them No. No! I don't want their money. No! I wont help them screw over the American people. And. No! I am not afraid of them. I fight for the American people. Not sell out the American people.

I Refuse Corporate Donations For My Campaign

Big Corporations are bribing every politician and political candidate out there with big money. Making it almost impossible to run without it. I refuse corporate lobbyist donations, so that I can be free to fight for the people and not for super wealthy donors. Once a candidate accepts corporate money, they tend to vote in the interest of their super wealthy donors 80% - to 100% of the time. When big Corporations donate to a campaign, those donors will then feel entitled and expect favors in the future. I believe that these types of contributions corrupt and have a negative impact on a politicians policy making decisions. I want to be free from any influence on my decision making.

Union Carpenter Tony Castro For California's 46th District

Grassroots, Home Grown, Candidate & Door-To-Door Campaigning

I walk / skateboard, door-to-door, everyday to deliver my brochure / mailer to the voters. Since I refuse corporate donations for my campaign, I don't have enough money to mail to every voter. The brochure that I deliver to the voters includes an invitation to a "Free BBQ / Voter Registration Drive / Fundraiser". The double-sided brochure also contains my top issues and talks about why I refuse corporate donations for my campaign. I hold a "Free BBQ" every Sunday at a different Park in the district. I also register people to vote and ask for donations at the Free BBQ. I've been registering new voters and pre-registering future voters at the Free BBQ and while walking door-to-door. I do need help from the people. Please donate, volunteer, vote, and spread the word. This is your campaign and this campaign is for you. People Powered, To Power The People. "Tony Castro For Congress 2024".

Free BBQ Every Sunday

Next Free BBQ on Sunday February 11, 2024 from 12:00PM - 3:00PM at Edna Park, in Santa Ana, California. The free BBQ is held at a different park every weekend in one of the following 5 cities: Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange, Santa Ana, and Stanton. All these cities are in the 46th District.  Event sponsored by "Tony Castro For Congress 2024".

Tony Castro For Congress 2024. Non-Corporate, Pro-Union, Progressive-Democrat

Free BBQ At Edna Park, On February 11, 2024 From 12:00PM-3:00PM

Meet the candidate and enjoy a Free BBQ at the park. The food is free but this is a fundraiser. If you can, bring your check book. Not sure who you want to vote for? Come on down and meet me and ask me some questions. I want to meet you and get your input on what needs to be done in the district.

Free BBQ | Voter Registration Drive | Fundraiser

"Tony Castro For Congress 2024" Feeds Almost 100 Homeless People at Stanton Park In Stanton, CA On Christmas Eve, Sunday 12/24/2023

"Tony Castro For Congress 2024" Sponsored A Free BBQ at Ponderosa Skate Park In Anaheim, CA For The Community, On Sunday 12/10/2023

Co-Coordinator For "Rescue Education California"

In 2005, Tony Castro lead a caravan of 200 college students from Southern California to the State Capitol steps in Sacramento, California. They rallied to "Reduce College Costs" and "Rescue Higher Education in California". Successfully blocking a tuition hike at the community college level. A proposed $60 a unit tuition hike was blocked at $26 a unit, from $20 a unit. The Governor and State Legislature are planning on raising the current cost of $46 per unit. I will bring money from Washington D.C. to fully fund higher education all the way through medical school.

Tuition Free Higher Education All The Way Through Medical School

I believe that education is a human right and not a privilege. I believe in Tuition Free Community Colleges, and Universities all the way through medical school. Education should be guaranteed by our Federal Government. Textbooks, back packs, paper, pencils, pens, and all other school supplies should also be provided to students for free. People need higher education to be competitive in the workforce and in the global economy. Without free colleges and universities, we will have an uneducated workforce and the United States will not be competitive in the global economy. We need to bring back "The Master Plan For Higher Education" like we used to have in California.

Tony Castro is the co-coordinator for "Rescue Education California"

Tony Castro is the co-coordinator for "Rescue Education California." The grassroots organization fought for Tuition-Free Higher Education and smaller class sizes K-12.

Tony Castro leads caravan with 200 students to the Capitol steps in Sacramento

Tony Castro leads a caravan with 200 students from southern California. To the Sate  Capitol steps in Sacramento.

In Sacramento, Tony Castro Organizes rally to reduce college costs.

In Sacramento, Tony Castro Organizes a rally to reduce college costs in California's Community Colleges and Universities.

Tony Castro stands in front of the State Capitol in Sacramento with supporters

Tony Castro stands in front of the State Capitol in Sacramento with supporters.

Union Carpenter, Local 803

I worked as a concrete form worker building, walls, columns, and decks. I was also a forklift, ariel lift, and gradall operator. I wrote blueprints, worked in framing and drywall. I worked building the two parking structures at the Irvine train station in the City of Irvine. My blood sweat and tears are on the radius wall I built on Alton and Barranca. It's the concrete wall that says Alton and Barranca. I paid $21,000 in income my first year as a union carpenter. Donald Dump Trump has only paid $500 in income tax in his entire life. This is an example of unfair corporate tax loopholes in the United States.

Raised In A  Union Home, With A Union Family, With Union Values

I come from a legacy of unionized working class Americans. I worked as a Union Carpenter for the Carpenter's Union Local 803, based out of Orange, California. My Father recently retired from the Laborer's Union Local 652. My Grand Father, great grand father and great uncle were all union members of the laborers union, local 652. Most of my cousins and uncles are union carpenters, laborers, and teamsters, right here in California's 46th congressional district. A vote for Tony Castro For Congress is a vote for Union Values. I am the Pro-Union candidate for For Congress.

Unions Are Necessary To Help Grow A Bigger Middle-Class

I believe that unions represent the best interest of working class Americans. Without unions, corporations are free to exploit and take advantage of their employees. I believe that unions are necessary to help build a bigger middle-class.

Tony Castro Successfully Completed The Training Requirements Of The U.B.C. (United Brotherhood Of Carpenters)

Tony Castro And His Father Antonio Castro, Both Union Members With Union Values

Tony Castro worked as a union Carpenter, Local 803 and his father Antonio Castro recently retired from the laborers union, Local 652. Tony Castro was raised in a union home, in a union family, with union values. Tony believes that unions are necessary to help grow the middle class. Tony Castro will continue fighting for union values and strengthening unions in the work place. A Vote For Tony Castro is a vote for Union Values. Vote on Tuesday March 5, 2024.

Tony Castro Union Carpenter Local 803 Orange, CA

Tony Castro Union Carpenter Local 803 Orange, CA

Tony Castro Concrete Form Work Carpenter

Tony Castro Concrete Form Work Union Carpenter

Top Campaign Issues & Funding Mechanisms

Top Issues:

1.) Tuition Free Colleges And Universities All The Way Through Medical School,

2.) Combat Climate Change / Climate Disruption,

3.) End Homelessness Now With Housing First,

4.) Rent Control To Prevent Even More Homelessness,

5.) Strengthen Unions To Build A Bigger Middle-Class,

6.) $25 An Hour National Minimum Wage,

7.) Meet Everyone's Basic Needs,

8.) Universal Single Payer Free Healthcare,

9.) Raise Social Security For Senior Citizens,

10.) $10,000 A Month U.B.I. (Universal Basic Income),

11.) Protect Human Rights Including Women's Full Reproductive Rights,

12.) Ceasefire & End All Unnecessary Wars Immediately.

Funding Mechanisms

1.) Close Unfair Corporate Tax Loopholes,

2.) End Corporate Tax Welfare To Billionaires,

3.) Force Billionaires To Pay Taxes,

4.) Stop Pentagon Waste,

5.) National Oil Extraction Fee,

6.) Windfall Profits Tax,

7.) Stop Funding Unnecessary Wars,

8.) Tax Income Brackets Over $10 Million At 70%,

9.) 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act.

The Non-Corporate, Pro-Union, Progressive-Democrat, For Congress

I've been a community organizer and advocate for homeless people for the last 20 years. I believe in The Green New Deal and clean money campaigns. I'm a life long fighter for social justice and human rights.

Volunteers To Teach

Tony Castro Volunteers to teach 7th graders computer science.

Tony Castro Volunteers to teach 7th graders computer science. Tony Castro Comments "Children are the future and they need these skills to become competitive in the Global Economy."

Excelsior Newspaper

Tony Castro is recognized by the Orange County Register's Excelsior for Excellence in the community.

Tony Castro is recognized by the Orange County Register's Excelsior for Excellence in the community. In 2005 Tony Castro was the President of the Cypress College A.S.B, founder of the Scholarship Club and President of the Political Science Club.

Rescue Education California

Tony Castro, Co-Coordinator of Rescue Education California.

In Sacramento, Tony Castro, Co-Coordinator of Rescue Education California, successfully fought to reduce college costs at the Community College and University levels.

Mentioned In A Book

Tony Castro is mentioned in a published book used in Universities.

"Dollar Democracy On Steroids" By: Peter Mathews. Tony Castro is mentioned in a published book used in California Community Colleges & Universities including: Cypress College, Golden West College, U.C, Riverside and Long Beach City College.